Summer is all about sunshine, relaxation, and an abundance of social activities. However, for individuals who have hearing loss, managing these seasonal gatherings can sometimes pose unique difficulties. Fear not, as with a little preparation and thought, you can ensure that your summer experiences are still fun. Get the most out of summer with these […]
Did you realize that high blood pressure can also increase your chance of developing age-related hearing loss? Age-related hearing loss normally starts to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. Your symptoms might advance slowly and be largely invisible, but this type of hearing loss is permanent. Years of noise damage is typically the cause. […]
Your overall life can be impacted by age-related hearing loss. Not only is your ability to hear impacted, but also your social life, your professional networks, and even your cognitive abilities. Over time, hearing loss can profoundly impact the way your brain works in ways that directly impact your mood, your memory, and more. Sometimes, […]
Putting off on important appointments, like your hearing aid fitting, is all too easy amongst the hustle and bustle of daily events. You might even find yourself hesitating to order hearing aids altogether. However, putting off on treatment for hearing loss is far more than just a mistake concerning your ears alone. Untreated hearing loss […]
Our ears are often what carry the load of accidental harm from neglect in our busy day-to-day lives. From the allure of ear candling to the apparently harmless act of using cotton swabs, our auditory health can suffer from these prevalent yet dangerous practices. What follows are a few practices you can use to help […]
Hearing loss can affect many areas of your daily life. Your pastimes, your professional life, and even your love life can be affected by hearing loss, for example. Communication can become tense for couples who are dealing with hearing loss. Animosity can develop from the increased stress and more frequent quarrels. In other words, left […]
While they may not have a cause and effect relationship, insomnia and hearing loss can be related–which means good sleep can be good for your hearing. […]